Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Spring Cleaning

Today in Michigan it was actually warm! I got to crack open the windows and let in some fresh air and radiant sunlight, it was perfect. Most people probably ran outside and enjoyed a little nature but for some reason the lovely weather put me in a "spring cleaning" mood. I gathered together my third large bag this week to donate to the local thrift shop, did my usual daily cleaning(vacuum, sweep, dishes, laundry, etc.) and I then decided to clean out my cupboards, fridge and freezer. Now, I hate to admit this but...I can't remember the last time I actually cleaned out those three things...which after all was said and done I ended up with a massive bag filled with old food. To be fair, everything was at least half used so the food had not been a total waste but I still did feel absolutely terrible knowing I had wasted so much food!

Some of the food, that had not been opened, I gathered to give away after reading the labels. I have been watching a lot of food documentary's lately(Food Inc., Food Matters, Vegucated and more) and I am getting more and more serious about what I put in my body. I knew about label reading awhile ago(before this food I gave away was originally purchased) but I am starting to get to the point where there is so little food I can trust to eat or feed my daughter! It's maddening.

Well, enough complaining about food for one night! I'm going to choke down this dandelion tea, listen to my "cricket nature sounds" and do some relaxing yoga before I go to bed.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The Journey Begins...

Hello, my name is Amber, I am 24 years old, a mother, a wife and a health nut!

I have decided that I want to start a blog to share with everyone all of the dangers of processed foods, meat and dairy and of course, all of the benefits of living a healthy lifestyle!

I was vegetarian for a few years before I decided to finally make the transition into vegan and my daughter, Hazelle Skye, who is a year and a half is also taking this journey with me. Although she has been raised vegetarian since birth she has been drinking coconut, almond and hemp milk since she was one and has only had cheese a handful of times so she really hasn't had too much dairy in her life time. I, on the other hand, have had dairy my entire life but I'm finding the transition easy...and by transition I mean I cut myself off from dairy all together versus weaning myself off of it!

I am going to try to post something new everyday whether it is a new vegan recipe, a relaxing yoga move, health facts(good or bad) or maybe just something inspirational and motivational!

I hope to snag a few followers on my journey so I can help people become more aware of the healthy and beautiful way you should treat your body inside and out.